Technology’s pace is like that of a race horse. Looking back to the times of the dial-up phones, where we are today is mindboggling. Instantly accessing information anywhere in the world with a single click of a mouse was unthinkable a decade or two ago. Yet, in the last few years, artificial intelligence is everywhere and no one can catch up with it! The inevitable question then is will artificial intelligence take over the creative power of human beings as well? All these years, while AI was being developed, we, the humans were thinking, creativity is a human ability, but now, we are concerned and asking ‘is AI going to overtake our creativity?’

1. Can artificial intelligence and creativity go hand in hand?
Let's face it, artificial intelligence is a great machine, analyzing millions of data in a second and drawing conclusions too. However, when it comes to creative thinking, a human brain is still superior. While AI can do amazing things mathematically, capturing the emotion of a work of art, making a song moving people deeply, or coming up with that original idea that makes people say “this is it!” are where it falls short. So, yes AI can be a supportive tool in the creative process, but it can’t take over the human creativity.
2. Are You Ready to Turn Your Ideas into Videos with ReelSane?
ReelSane is your studio when you want to turn your ideas into short and impressive videos. While artificial intelligence brings the most suitable images and content for you, you are always in control. In other words, you are in charge of the creative process while ReelSane takes care of turning your idea into a video. What could be better than that?
So, see AI as a teammate instead of a threat. Sign up now and start creating your videos!