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Exploring Cubism as a Video Making Style with ReelSane

Among all the art styles, cubism is the one that is really rough and tough yet, there is a profoundness to it.  Picasso could be said to be its father. The way we perceive this world can be reinterpreted as triangles, squares, circles, each one a perspective. Today, cubism is ‘in again’ in the realm of AI-driven video creation. When you are telling stories with videos, it is the way to go.

Exploring Cubism as a Video Making Style with ReelSane

Table Of Contents

  • Distinguishing Factor of Cubism

  • ReelSane and Cubism

  • Abstraction and Reinterpretation

Distinguishing Factor of Cubism

What makes cubism different is that it presents objects and subjects from multiple angles simultaneously. In video making, this turns into dynamic interplay of visuals and this challenges the viewer's perception. Let’s say you have a scene where a character’s emotions are depicted as a mix of perspectives—anger, sorrow, and hope all coexisting at the same time. AI tools can take these multi-dimensional layers and create a truly immersive experience.

ReelSane and Cubism

ReelSane, with its AI algorithms, can generate such cubist videos. Making use of geometric distortions, and a mixture of muted or vibrant colors, ReelSane makes perspectives come alive! When you have complex themes to delve into, cubist is the way to go.. For instance, if you are working on a video studying the nature of identity, you can use Cubist aesthetics to present how people’s lives, experiences, and emotions intersect and overlap.

ReelSane is so handy in Cubist video making that when you are transitioning from one segment of the story to another, it can seamlessly shift between fragmented frames. This gives a sense of continuous deconstruction and reconstruction to the story. It also mirrors the viewer’s journey of bringing together meaning from the disassembled visuals which augments the narrative.

Abstraction and Reinterpretation

When you need to emphasize abstraction and reinterpretation, Cubism is the ideal style. It can be used for art films, educational content, or experimental branding. With ReelSane as a partner, creators can freely use this sophisticated style, to tell complex, layered stories that resonate with modern audiences.

Meet The Author

Pınar Durgun

Content & Marketing Specialist

Hey there, I’m Pınar. I’ve been in marketing for almost 10 years and I love marketing tech, AI, and automation. I’ve built several YouTube and TikTok channels—some hits, some misses. I joined ReelSane after being a user myself, ready to share my learnings with the world!

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